5.8.7 Drawing on Grids

This procedure is used for

  • drawing lines
  • shifting track elements
  • splitting blocks

During this procedure a grid is displayed for your orientation. Using the mouse wheel you can navigate anywhere on the scene.

The behavior depends on whether you have an active start element. If so, you’ll see a series of square grid elements marked with smaller white dots, radiating from the start element in eight directions. Any of those marked elements can be selected as an end element. Elements not marked like this cannot be selected as end elements.

A click on any mouse button will place a yellow dot in the selected element, and further events will occur depending on conditions as shown in this table (4):

Left Mouse Button

Right Mouse Button

Start Element active,
End Element eligible

Connects Start Element with End Element; End Element becomes new Start Element (1)

Connects Start Element with End Element, deactivates Start Element (1) (2)

Start Element active,
End Element not eligible


Deactivates Start Element (2)

No Start Element active

Activates Start Element (3)

Nothing (2)

  1. Except for drawing lines, the connection between the start element end the end element will be filled with yellow dots. For drawing lines only, the connection will be shown as a straight line instead. Also for drawing lines only, the connection will be removed if that option is selected within that tool.

  2. In the Shift tool is in Group Shift mode, the Fill up button for the Fill up function will be enabled.

  3. In the Shift tool is in Group Shift mode, the Fill up button for the Fill up function will be disabled.

  4. If the Fill up function is “on” in the Group Shift mode of the Shift tool, a simple click instead will fill the inside of the enclosed yellow dot area with yellow dots around the selected grid element (which must be unmarked), after which the Shift tool returns to normal.