5.5.2 Filter Train Schedules

The Filter function for TrainSchedules allows to specify selection criteria which schedules to add or remove to/from the selection list for group editing.

Description of all fields and buttons:

  1. 3-state button to select or deselect schedules that have extern entries

  2. 3-state button to select or deselect schedules that have extern exits

  3. 3-state button to select or deselect schedules are follow schedules

  4. 3-state button to select or deselect schedules that have follow schedules

  5. 3-state button to select or deselect schedules with station stops

  6. field to select a station stop for filter

  7. 3-state buttons to select or deselect schedules for certain weekdays

  8. button to select trains of schedules that have a certain minimal length

  9. field to enter the minimal length

  10. button to select trains of schedules that have a certain maximal length

  11. field to enter the maximal length

  12. show schedules that are connected to the schedules already in the filter

  13. add schedules that are connected to the schedules already in the filter

  14. check mark to indicate that in the detailed list the schedules should be highlighted based on the filter criteria instead of the selection list

  15. check mark to indicate that in the main panel the schedules should be highlighted based on the filter criteria instead of the selection list

  16. add the schedules selected here to the selection list of the detailed list

  17. remove the schedules selected here from the selection list of the detailed list

  18. clear the filter

  19. exit this panel