5.5 Filters

Filters in CTC allows you to select objects of certain types using criteria applicable for the type. Objects meeting the filter criteria can be added to for removed from the selection list used for group editing.

Filters can be activated from the detailed list panel (menu item “Edit” → “Detailed Lists” in the main panel – see here for further details) – this panel maintains a selection list, where you can add or remove any objects of almost any type. While over there you can add or remove objects individually one by one, filters give you an additional way to add/remove objects using the filter criteria.

While using a filter, you can make the objects meeting the criteria visible in the detailed list and/or on the main screen if applicable. If you mark the checkbox “Highlight Filter in List” or :”Highlight Filter on Main”, the elements highlighted in respective panel will reflect the objects meeting the filter criteria instead of the regular selection list of the detailed list. Checking/Unchecking the check box will switch between which objects are highlighted – the selection list or the filter result – back and forth,

Note, if you opt to display only the objects that are in your selection list, or which are not in your selection list, the filter function considers only objects that are currently shown in the detailed list. So you can apply the filter on all objects of the current view, or only on those which are in your selection list or which are not.

The objects that meet filter criteria can be added to or removed from the base selection list using the buttons “Add to Selection” or “Remove from Selection”, respectively.

The following subsections describe details of all available filters