Chain In Simplified

The Chain In Simplified action within the link maintenance tool allows you to insert one object into a sequence of blocks at a particular point. It combines the activity of one disconnect followed by three connects that you would have to do otherwise.

You need to have two link objects of regular link types (LUL, LUR, LDL, LDR). In spot #1 you need to specify an insert point which points to another object that points back (you can also use the latter one), while for #2 you need to put in one of the two ends of the object to insert – which of them is up to you, but it determines – together with the previous choice of the insert point side – the direction in which the object is inserted. If the resulting direction is wrong, you can swap it around within the link maintenance tool

This action is not reversible within the link maintenance tool. However, you can undo it from the main panel or the detailed list panel.

This example shows the right end of the left sequence at block B0, the left end of the right sequence at block B2, and the block B3 as the one in the middle. A “before and after” for a chain in action would look like …B0 <-> B2 … (B3 outside, not connected) and …B0 <-> B3 <-> B2… (B3 now inserted).


You may notice, that this example looks similar to that in the Chain In/Out Action. This is intentional: The setup is almost the same, but we purposely left the panel for B2 and two of the link objects in the “waiting” list, so that you can see the difference.