5.2.1 Global Parameters

In this panel you can set some global parameters for your territory.

  1. Name of the Territory – this will normally become part of the file name

  2. Start Time – default if not started with saved data

  3. Units – specifies whether the scene data is using the metric or imperial system (1)

  4. Stop/Proceed – specifies whether the scene will allow the stop and proceed feature to be used

  5. Def Div Speed – the default speed to be used for diverging paths on switches, also speed on drawbridges

  6. Def Bl Lg Reg – Default length for newly created blocks (regular only)

  7. Def Bl Lg Conn – Default length for newly created blocks (connectors only)

  8. # Train Crews – Number of train crews available (2)

  9. # Maint Crews – Number of Maintenance crews available

  10. Exit – closes this window.


  1. Changing this flag will not change the data in the territory data, only the global flag. For instance, if you have “50” in a field indicating a speed limit, it means 50 km/h if “metric” is checked, and 50 mph if not. Checking/unchecking the flag will not recalculate length and speed information – CTC will rather leave the numbers alone. However, the defaults for speed and lengths in this panel will be reset to system defaults, which you can modify afterwords.

  2. In development for future versions of CTC